
A Change of Color

Lately I've been feeling like I needed a pick me up. Something to get me out of this funk of been in (most likely due to lack of work, sheer boredom and the task of trying to live off of less than $3 a day). It has been a while since I dyed my hair and I had always wanted to do it again and go darker. Amanda and I decided to stop by our local Duane Reade and pick up a bottle of the perfect shade of chocolate brown, a good winter color. I was nervous since the last dye job didn't go exactly as planned, but felt fine with my hair in the hands of Amanda (she's done this before). I have to say, I'm pleased with the results. The first two days are shocking and the color (at its darkest) always takes some time to get used to. It's been almost a week and it has turned into such a great color. I've been getting compliments left and right (which leads me to believe that people actually prefer this shade on me better!)

Before hair dye

After hair dye

On a completely different note, this past Wednesday I attended a DG Dinner. When I moved up here, I wanted to get involved with the sorority as an alum but also wanted to reach out to others and make more connections. I've met some really great people over the past couple of months and I decided I'd attend one of their regular events, DG dinner, where they dine out together at a restaurant about once a month. This month's choice was Keste, a tiny pizza place in the Village. They had delicious food and wine and I got to meet some new DG's. It's so cool to find out that there is a sister I can count on no matter where I go or end up!

"As we drive along this road called life, occasionally a gal will find herself a little lost. And when that happens, I guess she has to let go of the coulda, shoulda, wouda, buckle up and just keep going."---Sex and the City

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